Terracon Consultants Inc.

Terracon Consultants Inc.

Circadia partnered with Finkle + Williams and Terracon to complete the new Terracon Corporate headquarters. This two-story facility with more than 65,000 square feet was designed to hold 200 local employees. SRFM coordinated the move including the re-use of existing workstations.

10841 South Ridgeview Road, Olathe, Kansas 66061

Tortoise Capital Advisors

Tortoise Capital Advisors

Circadia worked very closely with Finkle + Williams on designing three floors that included 174 workstations, 34 private offices, lobby furniture,...

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Garmin Headquarters Expansion

Garmin Headquarters Expansion

Circadia, McCown Gordon and Gould Evans collaborated to complete the multi-phased, warehouse and manufacturing facility, office space, and associated...

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Mariner Wealth Advisors

1 min read

Mariner Wealth Advisors

Before Mariner Wealth Management moved into this building, they were in several buildings and growing. Circadia partnered with Mariner to provide...

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